::scrRe: Welcome To "scr"!

David Cantrell scr@thegestalt.org
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 14:42:37 +0100

On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 01:42:11PM +0100, scr-admin@thegestalt.org wrote:

> I've started a mailing list on thegestalt.org called 'scr' because,
> well, that's what (Evil) Dave said it should be called. I was tempted
> by 'bridge' because, well, we were standing by a bridge.
> The name is not important. It can be changed later.

SCR, because we wanted somewhere which would allow deeply techie, but
free-wheeling chatter.  Like what you get in the Senior Common Room.

> Anyway, this is what I've been thinking.
> It would be modelled on post-apocalyptic Haddock and Simon Cozen's
> language-dev list - invite only, strictly on topic, deviations will be
> punished harshly.

Haddock is invitation-only, language-dev isn't.  However, Simon has stamped
hard on off-topic drifting on language-dev.

> Invite only? Who is invited? There are at least three problems here
> ...
> Do you keep it secret or not? If you don't people will want to get on
> and might be insulted that you haven't invited them. But then it will
> probably get out sooner or later and people will get offended then.

I don't think people are offended by not being invited to Haddock, so
see no reason why people should be offended by not being invited elsewhere.
Provided that members don't go flaunting it, there's no problem.

> Who do you invite? This is the tricky bit. There's a lot to be said
> for inviting friends because, well, you know them and you can vouch
> for them. The Old boy network isn't necessarily a bad thing. On the
> gripping hand then you may tend to cliqueiness (sp?).

I would want to draw people from all sorts of places, not just the
london.pm/void/numija crowd.  There's lots of interesting people out
there doing other stuff, and I'm sure we all know someone suitable
who the others don't.

David Cantrell | david@cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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