::scr Mostly meta (was Re: Welcome To "scr"!)

David Cantrell scr@thegestalt.org
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 14:54:31 +0100

On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 03:52:25AM +0100, Richard Clamp wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 10:03:02PM +0100, Paul Mison wrote:
> > On 07/07/2001 at 01:37 +0100, Richard Clamp wrote:
> > >...bridges can be computery.
> >=20
> > And you can geek over them (cf NY).
> You can geek over anything if you try hard enough -
> http://www.google.com/search?q=3Dfan+site gives ~1,720,000 hits, if your
> trust the summary bar.
> > Apparently Dave suggested Senior Common Room. You know, like in those
> > posh universities I never went to.
> Common rooms strike me as more an A-Level thing.  You know, like in
> that A-Level system I didn't go through.

At Posh Universities, you have the JuniorCR, which is basically yer normal
student union full of drunk undergraduates, fights and jailbait (hmmm,
sounds quite nice when you put it that way) and the SCR where the graduate
students and lecturers hang out, sipping tea and nibbling on biscuits
and talking about deep meaningful stuff.

> http://www.catalog.com/vivian/lifecycle.html - googling for 'mailing
> list lifecycle' suggests that 10,500 people liked it enough to webify
> it in some way. =20

Mmmm.  Looking at 6.1 and 6.2 I'm not sure where this list would be, or
indeed whether there is any point to it.  Ho-hum.  Actually, I'm quite
surprised Simon remembered to create it, cos he was *very* drunk on
Thursday :-)

David Cantrell | david@cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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