::scr Towards a better text editor

Simon Wistow scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:05:24 +0100

My feelings on Emacs and Vi are, I think, pretty well known. I think they
suck. I think that they make editing text, their raison d'etre, hard. Which is

I use nano, a Gnu Pico clone, which other people thinks suck. I like it
because it's small and quick to load, saving and opening files is easy and
doesn't require a 30 character input, the up arrow goes up, the down arrow
goes down and it doesn't have a fricking version of Elite built into it and
programing in Lisp. All the key commands are at the bottom of the screen


It is missing some stuff. Whilst it has auto-indenting (which I don't use
anyway) it doesn't have syntax highlighting. The spell checker is a bit sucky.
You can't switch between documents (although you could just open up another
term). It doesn't have a macro language.

So what else should a text editor have? Should it have less? ARGUE WITH ME!

: nature notes for the apocalypse