::scr Extreme Programming's Pair Programming

Greg McCarroll scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:44:07 +0100

<style="fast show">

  Country Person #1 : So what do you think of Extreme Programming?
  Country Person #2 : It's a load of arse innit


Now there are some good bits to Extreme, or if you prefer eXtreme
programming, however pair programming suggests one thing to me,

Immature programmers who can't manage themselves and immature
companies who can't put proper software development processes
in place, supervised by qualified technical managers. 

I also can't believe that any productivity/quality increase
can justify the doubling of cost that pair programming brings


p.s. I'm only interested in discussing pair programming, lets
not turn this into a pitched battle.

Greg McCarroll