::scr Extreme Programming's Pair Programming

Greg McCarroll scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 12:52:11 +0100

* Simon Batistoni (simon@penseroso.com) wrote:
> I think there's a lot to be said for collaboration. For example, I
> find there's nothing more valuable than having someone else cast
> their eyes over a piece of code that's been turning you cross-eyed
> for half an hour. They'll often find the problem in seconds.


but can this not be done with well oiled teams, instead of just
pairs - the best way you can do this is split up your programming
group into a few sub teams, for specific aspects of your system,
say core technologies, frontend, secondary systems, etc.

then sit them near each other, even give them t-shirts if it 
helps and make sure each one has a dynamic team leader, who can
inspire his group to out perform the others

competition is a great motivator, well it is for me, then again
i grew up with a uncle as a pseudo brother who could of made 
a game of scrabble an olympic event


[1] you can also get a lot of value out of buying a 4' stuffed
toy and chair, setting them away from the development area and
having programemrs going to said toy and explaining their problem
to it [2]
[2] therefore i conclude that a 4' tigger is better than XP
pair programming ;-)

Greg McCarroll