::scr Marketing, Spam, Whatever

simon wistow scr@thegestalt.org
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 15:06:01 +0100

On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 06:53:51AM -0700, celia romaniuk said:
> Well, I think that most people wouldn't. But some may decide they like the
> idea of it, so sign up. Maybe banner ads share with Direct Marketing a
> very low expected response rate.

At $marketing_company if we got a click-through rate of 2% then we were
laughing. For various game/interactive banners such as




(but not http://www.twoshortplanks.com/simon/java/pong.html)

and a great penalty shoot one for Sky

we got huge responses (~15-20% IIRC). The penalty one was hosted on various
football sites (such as Arsenal and football365) which was obvious but smart
and went through to a page which had more targeted advertising on it, the
upcoming Sky football schedule (the programs of which are laden with
advertising) and deals for various Sky TV packages.

> more complex issues (e.g. sorting out the accounting problem rather than
> wondering why Excel won't do $foo).

Which is why I like perl. I very rarely spend time thinking how I'm going to
do it in Perl more just how I'm going to do it.

> And breathing. 

Reflex action caused by presence of chemicals in the blood I think. You can
control it conciously but you generally don't have to think about it. [0]

But your point is still valid. Although I don't think that you could actually
type an email whilst reading IRC. Or maybe you can. I've typed emails whilst
talking to someone so ...


[0] And now your all thinking of breathing so you're doing it conciously. Now
try and do it reflexivley just by not thinking about breathing. Hah! Now
*don't* think about blue elephants <grin>

: "Don't worry," she said, seriously. "Most of the blood was someone else's."