::scr long waffley post about consciousness

Paul Mison scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:28:59 +0100

On 08/04/2002 at 15:13 +0100, Richard Marr wrote:
>> Yes. But why come up with this theory? Does it predict
>> anything? Does it
>> explain anything that cannot otherwise be satisfactorily explained?
>There's a chance that kind of thinking might become relevant if/when we
>start getting to the stage of artificial intelligence and robot's rights,
>otherwise it's just self-congratulatory intellectual masturbation.

No, your thinking is masturbatory. Why should we speculate on the soul
when you seem to be doing this specifically to reject all non-human
brains, now and forever, in your thinking? Your thoughts on
consciousness also seem... crack-addled.

 I know Simon managed to leave the specified topic of ::scr completely
vague when he started it, but also threatened that anything off topic
would be kicked, but I never expected anything like this to carry on so

I should just ignore it, given that I can't agree with the second line
of your first post in this thread (hey kids; souls don't exist. tell
your friends. death is not lived through) but then I was under
Blackfriars when this list was started and this thread has been enough
to make me want to leave I'll just post this.

On the other hand I *am* currently the western worlds most bitter fuck
and this is probably *not* what Simon had in mind either.

Wow. I almost feel better.

:: paul
:: ninja hamsters available now!