::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

Dan Argent scr@thegestalt.org
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:00:24 +0100

> I picked that xample because it happened to be mentioned in 
> an article in
> new scientist that I read on my way in to work this morning.  
> Unfortunatly
> it is not availible online unless you are a subscriber to the 
> magazine.  A
> minorparagraph in the rticle says that while training can 
> alter the mix of
> the two types no training regime yet discovered can overcome 
> the strong
> genetic predisposition

If I get a chance, I'll drop into whSmiths and have a read....

> > Look at the gold medal winning atheletes with Asthma. In 
> theory, they
> > have a natural disadvantage, but they somehow won.

> We have only a finite time upon this earth and no-one can put 
> in the hours
> of training to become a top class athlete and work long hours to be a
> succesfull buisnesman and create great works of art and 
> develop complex
> theories of the universe.  It is best to pick a field you 
> will excel at and
> concentrate upon it.
> We only have a finite time in this wor

Yes you can do all these things. If you think that you cannot, then you

Once again, you have limited yourself.  I don't know if someone told you
this was true, or you deduced it for yourself.
By all means be good at what you do, but don't think that you are limited in
your choice of what to be good at.