::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

Tom Forwood scr@thegestalt.org
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 12:33:06 +0100 (BST)

> So you can stand if you are tall.

you were born with a predisposition to to tallness

> You can jump if you are a small springy gymnast.

I think we decided that the aim was to reach high without your feet
reaching the ground, but even so you a special skil which alows you to do
this better than other people

> You can build a machine to do it for you.

the rules definatly dont allow this, but again you have a mechanical

> You can blackmail people to do it for you..............

you were bourn to rich parents and inherited money

There may many ways to win but some people are more suited to some than
others it makes sense to try the ones you are going to suceed at.

Most animals are going to have no conciousness of their limitations but
this does not stop some in a life or death situation where each individual
is trying his hardest from surviving and others from getting eaten

If there is no inheritable difference in ability and potential then it is
impossible for any evolution to occur and the only explanation for the
diversity we see around us is a creator god