::scr gene djinni

Tom Forwood scr@thegestalt.org
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 12:40:23 +0100 (BST)

Well I am in two other debates, I may as wel join a third

I agree that there is nothing fundamentaly wrong with genetic engineering
and am in general favour of GM crops and gene therapy.  However at present
our society is not mature enough to handle the responsibility that the
possiblity of germ line therapy gives us.  the possibility of creating a
genetic underclass is all to real.

A few years ago there was a debate over whether insurance companies should
be alowed acces to the results of genetic tests.  I remember that the end
result was that the insurers decided that to put a moratorium on the
results for a period of something like five years.  The question is should
insurance companies be able to look at your genetic predisposition to
varius diseases and ajust you insurance premiums accordingly, or even
refuse to insure you?