::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

scr@thegestalt.org scr@thegestalt.org
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 17:06:20 +0100

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Ok, it's been a long day so there is a heavy twang of sarcasm in this
and I'm almost certainly picking up on only a few insignificant words...

On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 04:34:20PM +0100, Dan Argent wrote:
> Taking this back to art - if you don't paint by the rules, then you could
> never be a great artist. Huh?

What about if you strictly paint by 'the rules'?  Does this necessarily
make you a great artist?  What about Painting by Numbers?  Who's the
artist there?  The creator of the blank canvas, the hobbyist that applies
the paint, or da Vinci for letting the idea out of the bag?

> I think that introducing an artifical sport where you can re-write the ru=
> each time an exception is found doesn't really help the discussion.=20

That's a sport in itself, a meta-sport if you will.  Each side trying to
beat the other in a game of argument, logic, and wit.  Let's use the
'Pissing Contest' as our example. ;o)

> That's not the point I am arguing. The point is that you should not
> be limiting yourself by thinking in those terms. And that by thinking in
> that way, can never reach your full potential.

Sounds like the pep-talk we all received at school.  "Aim high; then if
you fall short, you have still achieved something... etc."  Have we really
added anything to this in the discussion?

Dave Turner

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