::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

Tom Forwood scr@thegestalt.org
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 18:29:50 +0100

> A small minority of the worlds population die due to classical
> evolutionary
> pressures. Instead they live or die depending on the pressures
> put upon them by
> human creations (nations at war, famine).
> We're not that far removed from animals, but the evolutionary pressures we
> now contend with are.

Those are every bit as valid evolutionary pressures as predation.  In fact
famine is one of the most primitive evolutionary pressures and would have
appeared aeons before most of the more obvious ones and of course there are
many good analogies to human war out there between everything from bacteria
to chimpanzees.

Re prayer: I don't propose that as significant evidence in my argument, just
a good general philosophy

Aim high and fail and you might have achieved something, or else you might
have wasted a lot of time.  If you can tell the difference and use this
knowledge it is surely a good thing, as whatever you say time is finite and
to short to devote enough time to everything to become an expert at it.