::scr #include "meta/identifying types of post thread"

Greg McCarroll scr@thegestalt.org
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:32:25 +0100

* Richard Clamp (richardc@unixbeard.net) wrote:
> http://mirth.unixbeard.net/~richardc/scr.stats

I've always been a great fan of these S/N measurements and yet I know
they have their critics. However I think the reason I like them is the
same reason that I like Michael Schwern's Kwalitee vs Quality

Basically its very hard to determine am measurement of quality, as its
very subjective, Schwern suggests we instead use an artificial
measurement, and accept it is not really ideal.

In other words, If a problem is sufficiently hard, don't solve it,
just ignore it or cheat.

Coincidently, I was reading an interview with Stephen Hawking recently
(who incidently is a big fan of Marilyn Monroe[1]), he talked briefly
about how he had invented imaginary time in order to get several
formulae to work - the interviewer (another physisicst - who was
interested in plasma and other matters) accused him gently of
cheating, SH admitted it was a bit of a liberty, however it had
allowed him to progress further in his work.

I'm sure both of the following are quotes ...

    'God plays dice'


    'Not only does god play dice, but he also cheats'

Now I'm sure this post has been a bit rambling, and the quotes wrong
and the analysis of the interview oversimplified, and their is
probably little point to it all, and of course the grammar is
apalling. However It at least is high on kwalitee via its S/N ration.


[1] You could have an entire school of philosophy/psychology devoted
to Marilyn, if you just had enough imagination and a organisation
stupid enough to give you the grant.

Greg McCarroll                         http://www.mccarroll.org.uk/~gem/