::scr Other jobs, was Re: ::scr tales from the crypto

Chris Devers scr@thegestalt.org
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 18:56:20 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Alaric Snell wrote:

> What would everyone do if it weren't for computers?
> I'd either be writing or in electronics, or both.

Electronics? Isn't that, essentially, working with computers? Then
technical books? Still not falling far from the tree here, Alaric :)

For a while I thought of being a teacher, probably of Latin. I still like
the idea but not enough to make a career of it. Ditto writing/journalism,
but again I'm not sure about doing it for a career -- mainly because, in
that case, I've done it a little and I know how much editors can suck.

Probably I'd go with some kind of scientist. I dunno which branch --
astronomy, genetics, something else. Something along those lines though.
(But then, of course, being able to apply computers/programmin to problems
in these fields would be part of what would make it fun for me...)

Chris Devers                                chdevers@mac.com
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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