::scr The World's First Digital Drug

Simon Wistow scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 06:06:27 +0100

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 08:22:23AM -0400, ralph7430f16@msn.com said:
>    Voodoo Magick Box - The World's First Digital Drug Experience 

Great, I turn off spam filtering, the list goes dead apart from a brief
'ping' and then the first mail that comes through is spam. Crap Spam at

The dilemma: try and think of something interesting to say despite the
fact that it's 6am, I've been up for two hours already and I'm so
exhausted that I can't see straight and each line has to be typed at
least twice so that it at least makes sense. Consider correct spelling
as a bonus.

Actually, *fuck* digital drugs. Fuck them up their stupid asses. I'm
going to talk about insomnia. I'll probably regret this in the morning.

It's 6am. I've been slowly watching the sky turn from shitty orange to
grey with nothing but somebody else's laptop and the mice in the flat
(who appear to e nesting behind the stack of Dreamcast games) for
company. I got back from holiday in Egypt a week ago (4am Tuesday
morning for preciseness) where I'd been waking up at about 8:30 in the
morning. Back in blighty, which is -2 hours from the land of the
Pharoahs, my body appears to have decided that 6:30am is not an
unreasonable time to be waking up - certainly not enough to start
thinking about doing something like, oh, resetting my bodily clock. It
also means that my periodic early rises have been shunted forward to
4:30am. This coupled with a stress level of 'high' (thank god this isn't
live journal) means that I'm currently feeling like shit.

Mildly touching on Digital Drugs [tm] (I'm trying to think of junkie
computers in Sci Fi history - the only two I can think of at the moment
are the replicator in Transmetropolitan and Kane/Robocop2 in, err,
Robocop 2. Depends on whether you count Bender from Futurama as an alky
or Johnnie 5 as having a serious information habit I suppose) and my
current bout of un-somnabulism (does that mean sleep walking? Ah,
what-ever \/\/) I'd very much like to, especially at this precise moment
in time, zap myself into a computer and then get to work with some
debugging tools and editors and just excise various bits of my digital
self - broken knees : FIXED! Insomnia : FLUSHED AWAY! Various emotions
and feelings : >SNIP<! Of course knowing my coding sK177z it'd all go
horribly wrong but if not it'd be really neat to flush out all those
bugs and ramp the version number up to 3.

They say that you shouldn't have regrets - bollocks. I regret plenty of
things. And dont give me none of that shit about "It's all part of who
you are/It's a learning experience" because plenty of the things i knew
where wrong when I did them and even more I knew were bad when they
happened to me and, on balance, I'd rather, they didn't happen again.

God this *is* starting to sound like a LiveJournal. I'll be stapling my
hand to my forhead next.

Since it's traditional to end with a question I'll leave you with two.

1) Is it wrong to get hold of an air rifle and sit on your sofa taking
pot shots at rodents? If not, can anybody lend me an air rifle.

2) Given the nature of this post, nay, this list is it irony or hibris
that's causing me to slowly compile a 'blogs considered harmful' rant?


: third time's a charm