::scr semantic

jo walsh scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 10:19:14 +0100 (BST)

> So, this Semantic Web thing. Some people
> to be very excited about it. As far I can see it's just a mechanism so
> that I dont have to do all that tedious screen scraping myself but then,

to keep this provocatively brief: it's what ted nelson has always been
looking for, and also what tim berners-lee has always been looking for. 
it's our chance to re-cast the old web as 'build one to throw away, you
will anyway'. it's our chance to learn from our mistakes and build
something that's resistant to evangelistic semantic attack. it's many
services over many interfaces, thus the semantic 'web' thing is a bit of a
misnomer. it's the semantic net. or, it's just RDF, and bots, and the
localised wireless net. 
> So, what should I care about. Why? What should I read?

do you really need to be spoonfed? why do you want to be told what to care
about? here are some threads:


or if you wanted, you could go to daml.org and semanticweb.org

> My god. A short post with a clearly defined question.

do try to keep up ;P

"Common sense won't tell you. We have to tell each other." -DNA