NetNewsJunky (was Re: ::scr semantic)

celia romaniuk
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 15:03:23 +0100 (BST)

On Mon, 5 Aug 2002, Alex Robinson wrote:

> Well, as has been pointed out, this isn't semantic web per se, it's just
> another delivery mechanism.

Yeah, I knew that. The reason I talked more about the app was it was what
the message's URL was about, even if it's subject line wasn't.

As someone pointed out, the semantic bit is in the sharing of feeds. I
know that - which is why I talked about it at the end of my previous post.
Maybe it could be done in a clever and wonderful way (e.g incorporating
the 'finding new stuff for you' feature that you mention) but I'm
unconvinced by straight merging.

> Use it as a front end to your own dipsy/linkbot.

*shurg*. That doesn't appeal to me. My mileage obviously varies. If
anything I'd prefer it as a web based display (even a text browser)
because I find it easier to go between apps in that way.

> And now that the "masses" can get their hands on these feeds I'm sure that
> there will be pressure on rss creators to do the right thing.

That will be a good thing. If it happens I will probably like the app

> I hate going to sites and finding that nothing has changed or that there's
> nothing there of interest. Especially if the pages take an age to load.

I can understand that - however the sites I tend to read don't take that
long too load (probably largely due to my connection speeds) and if I go
to a site and there's no new content, I take that as a reflection that I
need to do some work rather than get annoyed at my browser.

It has occurred to me, though, that you probably read *way* more sites
than me on a regular basis and that could be one of the reasons we have
differing opinions of the app.
