::scr open sores

simon wistow scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 12:53:47 +0000

On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 12:42:03PM +0000, simon wistow said:
> single good mail client.

Interesting how, when I wrote that, I managed to send the mail

It has, however, stopped me from rambling.

Basically, what I'm saying is that, very much like the Nu Meeja
industry, OS, which was once held up to be a shining example of
Everything That Was Right [tm] has now been shown to be not only very
ordinary but, in actuality, a bit shit.

It was all right when everybody was swept up in the craze and we were
gonna rule the world YAY! but now it's, well, not. 

I thought it could change everything but now I think it's never gonna be
good for anything but small utils. This is not a bad thing, in fact it's
a great thing - you pay money for the complicated stuff but the little
tools, the oils that lubricate your computing experience and which are,
let's face it, much easier to understand and modify to your needs (not
that you really need to because they tend to do one, specific task and
do it well[0]) , are good.

This post was inspired by this mail

It's well worth a read. The typos are appalling but if you're used to my
mails then that'll be ok anyway.


[0] HEY! Lots of little small apps! Doing specific things well! That
sounds great. If you could get them to work on a common document object
then you'd have this really cool, extensible, easily customisable
document centric interface ... [1]

[1] Yes, it also sounds like the Unix / GNU tools [2]. About the only
thing they *did* get right *grumble* *grumble* *mutter* *mutter* 

[2] Or OLE. [3]

[3] Or OpenDoc.