::scr *tap tap tap*

Chris Ball scr@thegestalt.org
06 Jul 2002 18:16:54 +0100

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Stevens <mstevens@etla.org> writes:

    >> Is this thing on?

    Michael> la la la I can't hear you

Nor I.  But we seem to be the people who just decided to go and see
_Minority Report_ tonight.  Maybe.  Anyone else interested?

- Chris.
$a="printf.net";  Chris Ball | chris@void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a
 "Blessings to the chap who invented ice cream, ginger-pop and the rest!
 I'd rather invent things like that any day than rockets and bombs."
   -- Julian, "Five on Finniston Farm"