::scr DNA

jo walsh scr@thegestalt.org
Tue, 7 May 2002 23:14:18 +0100 (BST)

i've been reading this new posthumous collection of douglas adams'
ramblings, 'the salmon of doubt'. it is great to see the insight raw,
unliterarily polished. 

why am i telling scr this? because there's one wonderful rant, partly on
the subject of dodgy electricians, called 'Frank the Vandal', with a brief
and tight little vision of totally custom, user-programmable, seamless
application interface with small cooperating gadgets over a wireless
network. written quite a while ago, before anyone had heard of 802.11 i

i keep having this recurrent fantasy about building a distributed wearable
network - for the wombles, for example, where each node has a webcam and
audio feed. powersupply seems like the main issue, and it would have to be
done at an incredibly low cost. hang on, this is a distraction.

douglas adams. i'm trying to excerpt something, but i can't, no
scintillating brief insights, just a cogent and appealing bigger sketch.
familiar with that feeling he describes of finding it intractable to
exceprt any specific bit of p.g.wodehouse. i'm giving up smoking, typing
helps distract my hands, at least i'm not into EGR-style logorrhea yet. 

anyway, it's a fucking interesting book, and i'll lend you mine if you ask


"Common sense won't tell you. We have to tell each other." - DNA