::scr removing the wuh-wuh-wuh

Martin Coxall scr@thegestalt.org
20 May 2002 13:08:48 +0100

> > I've been reading some usability, HCI and IA books recently to try and
> > supplement the course I did in college and some of the anecdotes about
> > usability testing and the actions of users is, umm, frightening (?)
> Given the number of complaints we have if we redesign navigation on
> our sites I can believe this. Even if you make the navigation more
> logical it differs from the users learned behaviour so they can't find
> things anymore.

A system is usable if and only if it behaves the way the user expects.
It's the zeroth law of usability. Always take it into account when
redesigning a website. You'll only pay in tears and suffering otherwise.
