::scr What porn sites don't want you to know..

David Turner scr@thegestalt.org
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 13:57:00 +0100

On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 05:22:36AM -0700, jonah wrote:
> [0] Why do I never get these spams? Everyone else does. They must know. :)

I don't get the penis enlargment mails either.  More worryingly, however, I
get mail trying to convince me that my breasts aren't large enough.  On the
otherhand, the other gusy in the office have apparently got perfect breasts
and it's just their penises that let them down.  Do you think that we've
been profiled?

> [3] Something I saw mentioned in passing on another list:
> alt.binaries
> -> www
> -> mosaic / graphical web browsers
> -> faster modems
> -> mpeg / quicktime
> -> broadband
> -> "Pronography drives technology" - discuss.

There was a series about this on tv.  Presumably Channel Four.  I've
forgotten the details.

They showed pornography driving technology in the printed media, online
media, and a number of other less obvious places.

David Turner