::scr What porn sites don't want you to know..

Simon Wistow scr@thegestalt.org
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:25:44 +0100

matt jones said:
> Judging from other people's complaints, I must get hardly any email spam
> at all. I get about one or two spam mails a day, usually for remortgagaes
> or other loans, easily few enough for me to deal with without resorting to
> something like spamassasin. I mean, obviously I would if I felt I needed
> to, but I just don't.

I get lots, Since 5am, Oct 7th I've recieved 84 that have been filtered
into my Spamfolder. I've probably received about 20 more that have made
their way into my inbox.

I'm not particularly careful about my address but I'm not reckless
either. And I tag my addresses (which is how I how I caught a 'career
consultantancy firm' who claimed not to have put fake job adds on
Jobserve to harvest addresses). I had a Hotmail account when I was
travelling and that got *insane* amounts of spam even though I never
stuck the address anywhere and I turned off being put in the directory
and all the 'send me information' stuff. Contrast this with Matt
'SpamAssassin/MessageLabs' Sergeant's experience ... 


> alt.binaries
> -> www
> -> mosaic / graphical web browsers
> -> faster modems
> -> mpeg / quicktime
> -> broadband
> -> "Pronography drives technology" - discuss.

It's ofte been said that the first users of any new technology and more
often than not, the first *successful* users of any technology are the
Porn industry. They were the first to embrace VCR, before, IIRC,
Hollywood did (the MPAA envisaged selling films at about 100 dollars a
pop. It wasn't until the massive sales of ET priced at a promotional
price of 20 dollars that they realised what they were on about), DVDs
provided a handy way of skipping past the boring bits, providing
multiple angles [0]  and rock solid pause and zoom and they're still the
only consistent money making business on the web and really pushed
things like streaming video and eCommerce.

I guess there will always be a business model for sex. 

ABS said:

A while back I got some weird bounce messages. A company called
metamax4life (http://www.metamax4life.us) was trying to sell a
viagra replacement sent from one of my addresses.

Their domain was registered to ...

Virtual Access Inc
      5510 River Road
      NPR, FL 34652

and appears to be gone now. I was very fortunate that people didn't send
mail to me asking me to stop spamming them because all the company was
doing was forging the From headers, something which I have no control
over (I don't think anyway). I presume the overhead of each MDA asking a
SMTP server 'did you send this mail' would be too great but it just made
me so frustrated to be powerless to do anything.

I've heard of companies offerring 'legitmate' bulk mailing or
adevertising solutions to customers and then sending out SPAM through
open relays without the customers' knowledge. Do the customers' deserve
any sympathy? After all they 'only' wanted to send mails to a targeted
list of customers they were just lied to. My tendency is towards, nah
fsck em, they deserve all the abuse the get anyway.

Or something.
