::scr cross over media

Alaric B. Snell scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 13:37:57 +0100

On Sunday 22 September 2002 21:03, Simon Wistow wrote:

> Domain Specific languages are interesting. On the one hand they can make
> doing tasks really easy. Say for example, a hypothetical language for
> doing 3D.

My final year thingy at Uni was a new programming language technique for 
extending the language without having to hack the compiler, just by importing 
a library.

Using the same trick one could then pare the language down to something 
barely above assembly language and have all the features we know and love 
(like 'functions' and 'objects' and 'types') implemented as extra stuff you 
load, thus making compilers simpler, languages more modular, and 
experimentation and customisation easier.

That is all.



A city is like a large, complex, rabbit
 - ARP