
the ::scr f.a.q
:main ....
:join ....
:faqs ....
:arch ....

o What sort of stuff is it ok to talk about?

Umm, interesting ones. At least make a pretence of them being
technically orientated but also it should be stuff that would seem
left-field on a strictly techinical or programming list. Some of my
favourite threads so far have included :

 - the geek syndrome (about autism, ADD, dyspraxia and Asperger's
                      syndrome among technical people)
 - job burnout
 - interface evolution
 - (c)opyright
 - blogging 

Yes, they were all started by me. But that's because most threads get
started by me. This will change OR PEOPLE WILL GET HURT.



Look down here for kind of the point of the list.

As I mentioned on the main page Piers Cawley came up with a nice 
phrase about it once - "tech inspired philosophy". Which I like.

o Why ::scr?

It stands for senior common room if that's any help. It's just kind of

o And the double colon bit?

/shrug/ I dunno. It's arty, innit.

o So, are there archives then?

Yes. You can get them here

Oh and also here

 Err, why are there two archives?

The private ones are better but I can't seem to get mailman 
to munge the email addresses thus opening people up to spam.

The public ones are munged but aren't as nice.

o What's that big picture at the top for?

It's my background picture as I write this (well sort of, it's sandwiched 
half way down my screen between two white bars). I just like it and I
want to share it with the world. It was taken by Ashley Pomeroy.

I could claim that it's supposed to be a clever contrast with the
achingly hip retro text which is being lovingly cuddled between two
nubile <pre> tags.

But that would just be silly.

o Anything else I should note?

Yeah : 

- Long, thoughtful posts are good. <AOL> style "me too!" posts,
which don't add anything to the discussion, are bad.

- Wrapping your text only emails at 72char lines is good. HTML mails   
will be severely frowned upon. Come the revolution the people who wrote
Microsoft Outlook will be first against the wall.

- Don't jeopardy quote. Before you ask, this is writing emails where
the content of you reply is entirely above the original post, in the
form ...


blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 

> To:      blah
> From:    blah
> Subject: blah 

> original mail stuff here 
> original mail stuff here 
> original mail stuff here 
> original mail stuff here 

Why is this an issue. See here. Or here for one with less swearing.

- don't ask if I'll turn off reply-to munging. See here

- probably some other stuff which I may or may not think of later. Don't
worry if you are doing something wrong, then I'll politely tell you off

o You're quite angry and bitter aren't you?

You noticed? And I thought I hid it so well.

o Can I invite other people?

Sure. If you think they'll fit in. But, point them at this first, though 
will you?.

The list is inclusive (he says, rampantly stealing that term off another
mailing list) but I'd prefer people with a vaguely technical background.
I don't mean someone who wrote a TCP/IP stack in assembler when they
were twelve but also not somebody who will go "a compu-*what?". Plus,
they've got to be literate and able to argue their point (ironic,
really, then that I'm running the list). 

I'd *really* like more people who aren't programmers on
the list to balance things out - psychologists, copywriters, designers,
whatever. Not that I've got anything against programmers. Some of my
best friends are programmers. Wait, actually, most of my friends *are*
programmers but I'm looking to get different perspectives as well. As, I
suppose, are the other people on the list. It's why they're here and
not on comp.sys.scary.computery.stuff.with.lots.of.acronyms or

Learning is good and fun, mmkay. When it comes down to it, I
suppose, that's the whole point of the list. 

o Yeah, one last thing, so, how do *I* join?


whoops. Go here

Read all the stuff above first though. Carefully. I'm dangerous when