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Re: ::scr (c)opyright

* simon wistow (simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Except with software piracy they don't lose 1 product. But neither have they
> gained the money that you'd have given them.

Their argument here is of course that they have invested X million
dollars in creating the product as they their market research
suggested there would be N thousand users, so they set it at price P
accordingly. When you make it N-1 thousand users (after all your using
their software), it means their budgets have to take a hit of P
dollars. Hence forcing future prices up and jeopardising future
software products as they don't want to invest X million again.

Personally, I don't think the sucess of open source, is that it is
open or free. I think its the fact that it comes with a compiler is
the big difference. If Microsoft had of release Visual C++/X with all
their `advance' os products they would have a much stronger platform


Greg McCarroll