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re: ::scr more on text ads

At 05:25 16/11/01 -0800, celia romaniuk wrote:
> http://www.metafilter.com/textads.mefi
> http://www.blogger.com/spons/micro_ads.pyra

What I just don't understand is why iot took the netmarketing industry so
long to figure this out[0]. I mean, I've been telling any marketing
departments that I've had to work with that banners and especially pop-ups
are not just useless, they're a liability, and I'm sure that I'm not the
only one. What was so hard about listeniong to the people who really knew
the medium, what it was capable of and what was appropriate? Fuckers. 

People put up with intrusive advertising on TV (IMHO) because it gives
them a chance to get up and make a NCOT. Well, that's why I put up with
it, anyway. It's just sad that the marketing world didn't seem to be able
to get the "web" ne "tv" thing for so long. 

I mean, how easy is it to figure out that slappin g stuff in people's face
when they're trying to use an *active* medium is Just Plain Wrong. I think
the whole marketing/advertising industry showed enormous intertia and even
complacency in its apparent inability to adapt from the broadcast model of
mass communications to the networked model. They seemed to have no
contingency for a shift ofg control to the consumer.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I think moguls are just overpaid
fuckwits with no ability to think on their feet. Perhaps this isn't a

Now, these pop-under adverts are doubly counterproductive to me. Sure,
they try to hide the ad when they pop it up (which shows that they *do*
learn, albeit really fricking slowly) and it gives the ad time to load
(rather than just being shut on sight), but hiding which site spawned the
damn thing leaves only the product/manufacturer to bear my ire.

Hasn't The Onion been doing text ads along it's right-hand column for
years now? I wonder how effective they've been?

Jones. Quiet now. Too much liquid and not enough lunch.

cheeky monkey: http://snurfer.org/cgi-bin/sands.pl?full=halloween13.jpg