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Re: ::scr air keyboard

On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 07:08:48AM -0800, matt jones wrote:
> What other applications (*outside* of conventioanl computing tasks) of
> wireless networking / wearable devices / motion capture do you like the
> idea of. Points awarded for comical and/or socially-worthy ones.

I'm shit at remembering names.  I want a wearable which can recognise people
in the room and will attach labels to them telling me their names. For bonus
points, it would attach context-sensitive notes about them - eg, in the pub
it would tell me what they drink, but in a business meeting it would attach
an archive of the emails between us.  Much of it would be controlled by eye
movements.  It would also listen to what's being said and update the visual
information appropriately - for example, as the meeting moves from one item
to another on the agenda, it would display different information.

I'd also like it to show me subtitles.  I have a mild hearing impediment
and often have difficulty distinguishing words in a noisy environment.
Subtitles would be even cooler when I'm abroad - I can read French, for
example, far better than I can understand it spoken.  Oh, and I want it
to automagically translate the words in $french_newspaper into English and
replace them in my field of view.

I would also like peace, harmony, goodwill to all men, free beer, and for
the English to learn how to make coffee.

David Cantrell | david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

If you save all your money for three years, you'll be able to afford this
new computer.  If, however, you blow all your money on poker, booze and
loose women - you'll still be able to afford it in three years.
                                                      -- anon, on Usenet