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Re: ::scr Blogging

On Fri, 23 Nov 2001, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> Possibly not, but my impression is far more that blogging grew out of
> sites like memepool, and has mutated from a list of links surrounded
> by brief commentary on why they're interesting, into far more mundane
> online diaries.
> I think we might be heading rapidly to the conclusion that the term
> "blog" really means very little. This might explain why it's so
> annoying.

i haven't heard the term much to be honest, i'm guessing the term is
hitting bits of the mainstream media that i have been neglecting.  i read
boingboing.net and sweetcode.org, because i feel they're genuinely trying
to provide a quality service and most of the links are of interest to me.

i don't read slashdot because i don't feel enough time is put into a lot
of the stories.  it reads like a 'meta-blog', with little individuality or
personality.  it's just a list of what the average geek thinks is

paul@state51 would undoubtedly call blog writers "tastemakers."  where
they are cross-culture enthusiasts, they give us windows into other
cultures.  i don't think i've seen a particularly cross-culture blog, but
i'd like to and i'm sure they exist.
