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Re: ::scr Blogging

On Fri, 23 Nov 2001, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> I think it's a bit of both. I was specifically thinking of people
> who want to publish something on the web, or build a site, but
> aren't prepared to understand the limitations of the medium - that
> things won't look the same in all browsers, that things can't be
> placed pixel-perfect etc, etc.

ah, yes.  people shouldn't have to worry about design if they don't want
to though.  blogs are just textual (well, hypertextual), so that's ideal
for people who want to publish stuff about their lives on the web.  there
are people who are good at communicating via text and not via image (such
as myself).  blogs should be great for that, although i seem to prefer
BBSs, mailing lists and other pure-text forms.

> And people who don't want to understand what the computer's doing
> underneath to render their blogs irk me this way, too. I don't mean
> that they need an in-depth knowledge of exactly what's being passed
> through their processor, but just that they should be prepared to have
> some basic grasp of html, for example.

i disagree.  i don't think HTML is a particularly good thing to know.

> I think you're absolutely right. I was just being grumpy :)


> There are two types of page which I think of as drivel - the first
> is a personal diary which is publically accessable.

yes, most biographies are drivel, but some are great.  it is not entirely
bad that the great ones are hard to find on the bookshop shelves.  it's
good to have to try.  i'm not into biographies in general, but others are.

similarly, i think some biographical blogs must be good.  but then i'm
standing up for something that i've never witnessed, which is a bit silly.

> And secondly, pages on a subject by people who know little about it.

yes, that is annoying.

> I agree, although the image of the Crypt in IMB's "Feersum Endjinn"
> keeps lurking in the back of my mind...



oh to be a glow-worm
a glow-worm's never glum
how could you be unhappy
when the sun shines out your bum
 -- the worm lady, 2001