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Re: ::scr Blogging

On 23/11/2001 at 13:05 +0000, Simon Batistoni wrote, and I took out of

>is a personal diary which is publically accessable. I mean, I kept
>diaries when I was 13 or 14, but I certainly didn't publish them. I
>think the web is the wrong medium for this kind of writing,
>certainly when it ends up in broad public indexes like google.

Possibly. On the other hand, I have a blog too! now [0] and what I
write isn't so much a diary in 'today I had spag bol for tead' but more
'this is an interestingly fucked up experience on the tube' or 'when I
was walking around London today I had a thought that may not be
original but fuck it, here it is'. I could post all this crap to (void)
(and indeed some people do; Arp is probably the best at it, while some
of the others who do so seem to engender levels of annoyance verging on
psychotic of other readers), but I'd rather keep it where people need
to look at it.

Of course, I know that whatever I say may be used in evidence against
me. Hence I'm going to be rather quiet on london.pm until this whole
election thing is over...

[0] http://www.songtwo.demon.co.uk/blog/ [1]
[1] feel free to yell, point at the broken archives and so on

:: paul
:: beware my prophetic chickens