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::scr tell me why you're using OSX, you big geek

I've noticed that there is an increasing use of Mac hardware and OSX
amongst the scary geeks around me.

It occurred to me that it could be because of a combination of:
o the fact that Apple make shiny hardware
o *nix window managers' interfaces suck
o Linux for Macs isn't nearly as well supported as it is for PC hardware

Chatting to Evil Dave last night, he said that he has always thought that
Apple make good hardware and sucky software, but that now they've made an
OS which is bearable. (That's paraphrased, so I hope it represents his
views accurately).

All these reasons make sense to me, but I'm still curious as to why you
(or others you know) are using it. 

One of the traditional reasons people dissed Macs was because they didn't
like being able to get 'under the hood'. Is being able to do this in OSX a
compelling reason to start using it?

And above all: where does this leave the 'number of mouse buttons'

(insert appropriate emoticon here)

...(small town, slow news day)