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Re: ::scr Development Sins

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, simon wistow wrote:

> The thing is I hate how code accumulates cruft - stuff you've grafted
> on to add new functionality, those little hacks and features
> crowbarred in that don't really fit in with the architecture.
> I feel the same with websites sometimes - little microsites that don't
> quite fit in or have been jammed into the main site or stuff that
> should be collected into its own subdirectory but you can't because
> then anyone linking to your site will get a 404 unless you write
> redirects for every page (or class of page or whatever).

Strikes me that both these examples actually support Joel's argument.
He's not saying you shouldn't rewrite code, more that you should not bin
perfectly good code.

If there's something wrong with it (it was a hack, it doesn't fit, etc)
then rewrite it.  Just don't bin all the other perfectly good code at the
same time.

Well, makes sense to me, but then I'm just a lowly admin. =)
