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Re: ::scr tell me why you're using OSX, you big geek

On 05/12/01 10:26 -0800, John McDonnell wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> > 1) There's no easy hardware eject for the CD - it's controlled
> > entirely by the keyboard. This is A Bad Thing
> you mean the old AET doesn't work?
> Apple Eject Tool... a straightened out paper clip...

The CD drive on the new G4 towers has a flap over it which is flush
with the case. You can pry it open with a knife/long fingernail, but
even once you get it open, the way the drive sits in the case, the
little hole where you'd put an AET is out of reach.

Disappointingly bad design - sure, the case looks shiny, but the
usability of the drive is compromised...

> > X's clipboard handling sucks compared to Windows'.
> can it not be extended with a little app? I think it can... works for me
> as is though...

Well, I've got used to it now, and I have a 3-button mouse, so
middle-click is quite easy, although I'm trying to keep mouse use to
a minimum (I have a small pen tablet too, with which simulating
middle-click is clumsy) for RSI-prevention.

I just find X's keyboard a bit unpredictable, compared to Windows,
although my default behaviour is now more X-y. The number of times
recently I've just highlighted stuff in windows without pressing
Ctrl-C, and expected to be able to paste it elsewhere... <sigh>

This leads me to something interesting (and probably more On-Message
for scr), but I'll save it for another post to avoid thread-morph...

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that pencil smell reminds me of school