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Re: ::scr open sores

Simon Batistoni <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> > * GCC
> > Have you looked at the ASM it produces? 

Yes thanks.

> > It's a joke. Plus it has huge
> > quantities of bugs. It's an amateurish compiler with an (admittedly)
> > nifty front end/back end decouplement (how many times have you actually
> > used that though) but it would be laughed out of any commercial compiler
> > or compiler research lab.

The all-stops-out 68k optimiser is pretty damn good. And it's been
over 5 years since I looked at the code. Were you looking at max
optmised code? With all the added tweaks? And global

Anyhow, it's worth what you paid for it. And it's "good enough" to
bootstrap linux, apache, XFree and the rest.

> It's fashionable to diss Mozilla in that knowing way, as if "it's so
> obviously bad that we don't need to explain why". And I agree that
> it does have problems, mainly in the speed of development, and the
> front end. But you've used galeon - the rendering engine is
> shit-hot, and fast as lightning. And Moz can be clunky, but it
> works, on a daily basis, and the only thing it really chokes on is
> java. IE6, meanwhile, won't stay running for more than 10 minutes on
> any machine I've used it on.

I built mozilla without all the deguggering shit and with max
optimisation and yes, apart from Java, it's been shot hot and is now
my broswer of choice.

David Hodgkinson, Wizard for Hire        http://www.davehodgkinson.com
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   Interim Technical Director, Web Architecture Consultant for hire