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Re: ::scr Ramblings of a Classic Refugee or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love OS X

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Simon Wistow wrote:

> > So number one, get rid of all menu options in computer interfaces. And
> > dialogue boxes. And anything else that appears. All on-screen
> > manipulation should be done:
> > - by pulling a tool over to act-at-a-place; or
> > - by looking "closer" at the item to alter its properties
> This sounds suspiciously close to 'my' idea of document centric
> interfaces which I keep bringing up.

It's also similar to Raskin's stuff about zooming interfaces. Sort of.

See the Beardy Man!

*sigh*. You must be wondering if I ever reference any one else's work. I
do. Honest.

Look! http://www.joelonsoftware.com/

seesmm quite peacuful to me