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Re: ::scr Ramblings of a Classic Refugee or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love OS X

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Alaric Snell wrote:

> On Wednesday 06 February 2002 16:28, you wrote:
> > To my backups.  I work on the assumption that any piece of software
> > is going to fail in interesting ways.  And I *certainly* don't trust
> > software to detect that it has borked and to fix itself.  If it could
> > do that, it wouldn't bork in the first place.
> Those backups being text files of everything, then, right?

Where exactly did he say that he was making text-based backups? 

> But back to reality, although current software quality is often bad,
> it's quite easy to fix this problem if people would stop writing things
> in f**king C or C++ or Perl and that lot and put the effort in to use a
> bondage-and-discipline language like Eiffel :-(
So *that* is the Silver Bullet that Fred Brooks said doesn't exist! 

Quick, someone forward him Alaric's email!

Chris Devers

"Okay, Gene... so, -1 x -1 should equal what?" "A South American!"    
[....] "no human can understand the Timecube" and Gene responded
 without missing a beat "Yeah.  I'm not human."