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::scr Drooling GUI

> Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Steve Wozniak got an Altair. Then he built his own computers. Then he
> came up with the Apple ][. Now, a couple of decades later, we have an
> angelpoise lamp with DVD drive and a G4 processor and a point and drool
> GUI. 

I am definitely drooling.

But the desktop metaphor is dead and bloated.

Or at least too specific for most people. Or all people. Artists would
prefer a studio metaphor. Gamers an arcade metaphor. Chefs a kitchen
metaphor. And so on.

What we need is more appropriate interfaces. Ones that are flexible and
reflect what we are actually using them for.

Making everyone compute on the terms of 'Office Work' has got to stop. At
least if we want it to get any better.

My humble two cents, pence, ringgit, pesetas, lira, francs, euros, pesos..
