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Re: ::scr Internet Explorer - Danger in numbers?

On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 12:57:19PM +0000, Ash Argent-Katwala said:
> Pretty much however you write stuff it'll break as it gets complicated,
> until you build a better support for coping with the complexity. 

Like I said, this is another argument and since I have a longer email
about it in my drafts folder [0] I'll save it for a time when we don't
have 2 or 3 other threads raging (for various small values of rage) in
the back ground.

[0] Yes, I stack up emails to send at a constant rate rather than just
one confusing torrent. This is because :

1. I'm a mouthy person who's arrogant enough to think that everyoen else
wants to know what I'm thinking.

2. I get insomnia some times and there's nothing else to do at 3 in the
morning when you just can't complete that final jump in 'Dave Mirra

3. None of you bastards start your own threads. Present thread excluded.
Don't be afraid little ones, post ... post ... post </whisper in ear>.

: fast, cheap and out of control