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Re: ::scr Internet Explorer - Danger in numbers?

On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, David Cantrell wrote:

> > That's the problem - there's supposed to be a learning curve (or no
> > curve whatsoever if I read Raskin right.
> If Raskin said that, he's an idiot.  Again, I will refer him to his
> nearest multimeter and ask him to perform a simple task with it - debug
> the wiring in his flat - and laugh when he complains about the learning
> curve which shouldn't be there.

Well, he didn't say that. And in practice, the stuff I've seen of his
requires you to have a learning curve which then flattens because what you
learnt applies through the entire system.

I can't think of a real example, but for instance, to operate on a
document you type in a command. So obviously you need to remember the
commands or whatever. Sorry, I can't remember the details.
