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Re: ::scr IAs (was something else)

>>> /~o i'll always be cogsci o~/
> Which brings closure because we're obviously back to where
> I started out this morning - no matter how easy a system
> is to learn or use, someone has to point out very clearly
> WHY you're supposed to use it and its various features.

it strikes me as i listen to what happens in the life and works of an IA,
including deep system design, domain discourse type stuff, that you're
basically doing the same job as my father used to as a systems analyst.   

are you in fact re-branded systems analysts? they are the butt of jokes
now but their work was/is very people-centric and quite cosy, really.
> Oh, how I hate that I have an exam in language
> technology on Saturday and that I haven't started
> studying yet.

if it would help, i'd very much like to know what consitutes language
technology as a field, or is it another of those very vague things like
'history and theory of the language'? it makes me think speech rec/synth,
nlp, stufflikethat....

good luck anyway
