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Re: ::scr Dressing up the computer

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 03:29:00PM +0000, Chris Heathcote wrote:
> why haven't touch screens become prevalent? Or light pens? 

Touch screens work well on kiosk systems but that's about it.  Too
tiring having to lift your arm up to touch the screen.  Same problem
with light pens, although they grew up to become Wacom tablets which 
are a very viable (but not perfect) alternative to a mouse.

> What about something like the inset monitors in desks (like on BBC News),

Bad for the neck, shoulders and spine.  Monitor should be just below eye
height.  Better would be to lift the desk up like an architect's drawing

> In fact, why aren't there graphics tablets which display an image by now?

There are.  In fact, I can see 3 from where I'm sitting: Fujitsu Stylistic
2300 (old and chunky but quite cheap now) and the newer 2500 (smaller, 
lighter), and the Wacom Cintiq (very nice).