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Re: ::scr Dressing up the computer

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 03:29:00PM +0000, Chris Heathcote wrote:
> Are mice really that good a way of choosing? They seem to give people RSI
> more than keyboards... why haven't touch screens become prevalent? Or light
> pens? I haven't seen a light pen since the ZX Spectrum. There always seems
> to be a lot of academic research into alternative input devices, but these
> appear to have gone nowhere.

<snip stuff about various input devices/>

The problem with touch screens, from a useability POV, is that for
extended use you either have to be holding your arm in the air and
that's tiring or, if it the touchpad with image concept, you're
looking down at your desk all day which tends to lead to neck pain.

Anyway, once they get the vision tracking stuff perfected this
pointing device nonsense will be irrelevant :)
