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Re: ::scr Dressing up the computer

> I don't want to blink and lose my documents... it's like
> voice control, something I can't see ever being useful
> in a general sense

But eye tracking is even worse. At least with voice control,
you can set the computer to only accept phrases starting with
a specific keyword as commands. Perhaps you could use a specific
sequence of blinks or something as a "command cue" for eye tracking,
but I don't think that would be a very pleasant way of working.

And besides, if it requires you to wear a contraption like this


on your head, it won't be very nice no matter what. I saw a
demonstration video of this system at a conference in 1999, and
basically it didn't work at all. I don't know if they've gotten
anywhere with it since, or if it's state-of-the-art in any way.
But I think it's all a long way off and only of interest in
very specific areas (for handicapped people, or in situations
where you absolutely cannot move your hands).

- Arvid