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Re: ::scr Dressing up the computer

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, David Cantrell wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 03:29:00PM +0000, Chris Heathcote wrote:
> > In fact, why aren't there graphics tablets which display an image by now?
> They're all around you.  See your nearest PalmOS device :-)

Also, if you're the sort of person that takes The Register seriously,
devices like this are the next big thing that will be sponsored by
Microsoft. It seems Gates has decided we're at the point where devices
similar to a skinny, lightweight laptop with no keyboard and a display as
part of the surface can be mass produced & marketed. Apparently, Microsoft
reps had prototypes [from Gateway? I forget...] on display at recent trade
shows, and the company wants to push them as a successor to desktops,
laptops, and handheld devices. That & it's another place to sell wince...

Meh, I'll just keep my Palm Pilot for now, thanks.

Chris Devers                           chdevers@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"Okay, Gene... so, -1 x -1 should equal what?" "A South American!"    
[....] "no human can understand the Timecube" and Gene responded
 without missing a beat "Yeah.  I'm not human."