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Re: ::scr IA Goldrush (was Ramblings of a Classic Refugee)

Simon Batistoni wrote:
> On 12/03/02 09:12 +0000, Paul Sharpe wrote:
> > I think IUMA were already doing this in 1995.
> Ah, IUMA, home of possibly the most twisted and brilliant dot com publicity
> scam ever contrived. Just googling and reading about it takes me back to
> those heady days of VC cash and endless Wired articles about how many
> Learjets a self-respecting millionaire should own.
> For those who don't remember, IUMA launched a contest where they'd give a
> couple either $5000, or a lifetime's supply of IUMA music (bet some people
> feel silly now) for naming their baby after the site. That is, I would have
> had to officially name a child of mine Internet Underground Music Archive
> Batistoni to win the prize.

Yeah but before the war they were just a nice bunch of punks who loved
music and open standards




Paul Sharpe                   Tel: +44 (20) 7407 5557
Miraclefish Ltd.              Fax: +44 (20) 7378 8711
Studio 12                     mailto:paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
37 Tanner Street              http://www.miraclefish.com/
London SE1 3LF