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Re: ::scr clue

beyond this in Phaedrus and in Republic). Basically, froom what I
understood, memesis was a devaluation of a philosophical concept by
describing it in words (I'm very probably wrong. Most of my knowledge of
this comes from the notes in other books) - Plato felt that mimesis was
wholly without merit. As opposed to the ideal form of human interaction
- dialectical discourse (dialektike techne [0]).

Well blagged Simon. Yes, it was something along those lines that I recall mimesis.
Of course, Martin, probably correctly, proposes a different and more pertinent

which is essentially describing a virus (in the biological sense). Which
is a remarkably good description ... the meme exists only to replicate.
To do so it must not destroy its host (by making it so dull at parties
that no-one will speak to it, I suppose) and must be passed via a vector
(email, word of mouth) to another host. And the cycle begins again.

Destroying its host is neither here nor there. It just must not destroy them so fast
that the meme/virus has nowhere to go. And as with viruses, the death of a meme's host
can be the very act that enables its propagation. The Assassins, Kamikaze pilots,
suicide bombers...