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RE: ::scr horns of a dilemma

> As some of you may or may not know - I'm a games programmer. 
> It says so
> on my business card and everything. So it must be true. Except I don't
> get to play around with exciting shiny consoles or anything, I program
> games for phones. Phones which aren't even out yet. Crap 
> phones. I spend
> my life hunch over a laptop (the LCD screen reduces flicker) 
> staring a a
> tiny 100x78 pixel screen coding in J2ME which is the crippled half
> bastard son of the weeping sore language nown affectionately as Java.

this may be a stupid question, but why not code lower down? Why do you 
have to use J2ME? 

> and all I can really do is Yet Another Version Of Fricking Snake [tm].

Write a version of sopwith camel, possibly the greatest game ever....
> On the other hand the Great Browser Incompatbilities still 
> bring me out
> in shivers. I once wondered if I could sue Netscape and Microsoft for
> decreasing ym quality of life. Seriously. Maybe get in a class action
> case on the back of the DoJ ruling.
> And at least my game will run, untroubled, on a fridge.
> So, the question I put to you, Vendor Specific Extensions - good thing
> or bad thing?

You seem to have answered it yourself:  A supremely bad thing.