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Re: ::scr horns of a dilemma

>So, the question I put to you, Vendor Specific Extensions - good thing
>or bad thing?

Plainly - they bite folk on the arse, but that's what you're pitching

At the risk of being a bit foolish - for my ignorance of what's in the
latest ${SI_diminutive_prefix}-Java or not - but is there anything you can
do to suggest the presentation, in ways that it degrades gracefully for folk
who don't or can't do that? I'm just considering it through your HTML
example. I pretty much religiously avoided FONT tags and whatnot, all the
way through, and only started properly arseing about with fonts and more
precise positioning with Cascading Style Sheets. What's glorious then is
that you can have something noddy which 'works' but might be a bit ugly in
places and whack on top of it some serious prettiness for folk who grok more
recent standards.

Could you do something similar for MIDP? Is there already such a thing
(although I'm not sure how it'd go, quite)?

Failing that is there a sensible API you could write to and then
automatically churn out several different versions of the code for different
implementations? (Urk, feels too much like server-side browser-detection and
rehash the content for folk).

... You can't judge a sister by looking at her brother