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Re: ::scr A PC user speaks ...

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Simon Wistow wrote:

> I also hate not having a nipple (*cough*)

...funny, most of us have two of the things....  ...sorry.

> > Having your own rendering engine - Quartz - sucks, as unlike X, it is
> > opaque to the network.  I frequently run apps on one machine and want
> > to display them elsewhere, either over a LAN or a WAN link.  On OS X,
> > I can do that by installing XFree86, but that's an ugly hack and
> > Quartz apps won't work with it so I'm limited to apps I can compile
> > myself - no benefit from Linux on x86.  
> I can count the number of times I've run X apps over the network on the
> fingers of one very large, mutant hand. But it's not that much. But I
> can see where it could be useful.

I can see where people would use it much, much more often if they realized
just how useful it can be. Having to duplicate resources all over the
place -- data, software, hardware -- is much less necessary when these
same resources are network available. Most offices -- even small, lowtech
ones -- get the idea that it makes more sense to share printers and some
files than to give everyone their own printer, have to share files by
sneakernet, etc. Being able to share applications & devices is just the
evolution of that trend that has been bottled up for too long because the
two main user platforms make it hard or impossible to do this. If the
systems made it easier, the behavior would flourish. 
> ... why X? X is dead, or, at least, it should be.


   Linkname: OSNews.com - Exploring the Future of Computing
        URL: http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=852

Someone has forked the BeOS workalike AtheOS so that BeOS applications can
be recompiled to run on the Linux kernel. Effectively, this could mean
that BeOS and Linux apps could run side by side, and X11 could be finally
eliminated. Bravo, I say. I hope something comes of it...

Chris Devers

"Okay, Gene... so, -1 x -1 should equal what?" "A South American!"    
[....] "no human can understand the Timecube" and Gene responded
 without missing a beat "Yeah.  I'm not human."